Recipes in 140 character
On an almost daily basis I use Twitter.com a microblogging and social media site to post recipes. You can follow @gracepiper. Here are few of the latest.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
EasyEggplant Parm.Dredge slices in beatnEgg then halfBreadcrumb halfParmCheese. Bake375 tilbrown turn, top with SauceMozzParm broil to brown.
Monday, July 07, 2008
Watermelon Blast: TossinBlender 3cupchunked frozen watermelon, mintleaves, 3/4cupRum, 1/4cupMintSimpleSyrup(c my blog for syrup recipe)
Monday, July 07, 2008
Tahini Sauce for Lamb:1/2 teaspoon minced garlic1 cup tahiniFresh lemon juiceSalt Stir in lemon juice will thicken KeepStirring tilLikecream
OK - I already knew you were a badass but 140 character recipes are just amazing!
Hi Grace
Your Twitter recipes are awesome! One of the most amusing and adventurous uses for 140 characters I have encountered. ;-)
Thanks Guys.
I love writing them!
I love your 140 character concept! Are they catalogued somewhere on your blog? I initially tried to click on one in order to see additional detail; I didn't trust the eggplant parm to be as easy it sounds! Can't wait to try it out, thank you Grace.
Thank you!
I absolutely need to figure out a way to have all the recipes catalogued together. Will work on it. Good idea.
The eggplant really is that easy. I didn't have room on Twitter to add this, but I douse the baking sheet in maybe 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil. Feel free to comment again if you have any more questions.
Take care,
Great post thannkyou
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